INNS loch lomond

Supported by the Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park Authority (LLTNPA), LLFT is surveying and mapping treatment of Invasive Non-Native Species (INNS). The objective is to map all plant INNS within the national park and along water courses draining into the national park. The national parks core objective is like our own and in collaboration with partners, staff members and volunteers, the Trust hopes to identify, treat and eradicate riparian plant INNS together to improve our river and loch habitats.

Working with landowners and estates, plant INNS treatment by the Trust has reduced the spread of giant hogweed on the Endrick and Blane Water. This is important in preventing the plant spreading further into the Endrick Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and into Special Site of Scientific Interest (SSSI) and the National Nature Reserve (NNR) on the lower Endrick Water and east shores of Loch Lomond. This is also the same for American skunk cabbage and Japanese knotweed.

The Trust has been involved in catchment scale eradication of Japanese knotweed on the Fruin Water and targeting some of the largest stands on the west side of loch Lomond. The majority of stands dominate small water courses, valuable spawning burns for trout and habitat for critically endangered European eel.